Lesson To The Father

Soyibova Nozigul

Ikram was drawing a picture. Then his dad comes near his son because he is interested in the sonʼs picture. In the painting Ikram is drawing himself, father, mother. When father look at the painting, in his and sonʼs body has black heart in the picture. Then he is shocked and ask from the son:

— Ikram, why did you die my heart and your heart with black?

— Dad, my gandmother said that the peopleʼs heart who made his or her close relative or family member cry is black. Yesterday you made my mother cry.

— My son, why your heart is also black, or you made to cry neighbour’s girl? Father joked.

—No daddy, I did not make anybody cry. However, you said ” You are like me” I draw us the same in this picture.


It was translated by Soyibova Nozigul.


Soyibova Nozigul was born in 2005 October 29, in  Kukand, Uzbekistan . She studies in The Kukand State Pedagogical Institute . She is interseted in learning language, reading books, writing poems, stories and articles.

Owner of “Gold medal” for finishing the school with high score. Owner of English B2 certificate and 85.6 % uzbek language certificate. Actibe member of “Juntos por las Lestras”


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