Through The Implementation Of Digital Cash In The Bank Plastic Cards Settlements On The Role Of Information Technology

Lapasova Marg'uba Zokir

By: Lapasova Marg’uba Zokir


Annotatsiya: Article of uzbekistan, commercial banks cash paid account-book of the increase to the analysis of related a number of thoughts , causing you mentioned.

Key words: Plastic cards, digital texnalogiya of, mobile banking, sms banking, Bank-Client, retail banking services, the bank system.

To enter. The present day in the country’s commercial banks by the customers plastic cards opening process of modern (EU) programs through quickly prepared transitioning.

The main part. Financial globalization in the conditions of major corporate customers attract to on banks between competition is increased if, in uzbekistan banking services market bank income and competitiveness of ensuring promising directions one of becoming. The same time, the bank services market in retail services, a special place hold, they are mostly of the population, financial-banking service to the requirement of satisfaction is directed towards. As it is known, retail banking services yourself a number of properties with separated are, in particular, the main consumers as physical entities to the area out of, the operation size small is in, corporate banking services in relation to costs, the higher will be the services for your personal requirements to meet focused it is. Uzbekistan Republic President Shavkat Mirziyoyev Miromonovich Oliy majlis of murojotnomasida “the banks are in business to digital technology, wide implementation to our attention in the center of is” that pointed out. Resbublikamiz commercial banks by the rendered retail banking services , the volume of the years as increased has. The population designed deposits of the number is increased, plastic cards, with the operations of the scale has increased, consumesl and ipotekakreditlarini to give practice to improve.

O‘uzbekistan uzbekistan Republic President 2017-2 year-in February 2751-decision “incash paid payment system for the development of further ,to promote the plastic card, the terminal and the appropriate equipment to the requirements-the needs of the meet, as well as, money and assets from the bank in addition to the turnover reduce” to the large attention directed

The president of the republic of uzbekistan “on additional measures for further development of plastic cards cashless payment system on the basis of” 2006, August 3, pp-433-1 at the beginning of the second paragraph of the letter dated January 1 implied the validity of customs privileges for prolonged until 2020.

Mikroprotsessor Bank plastic cards, payment terminals manufacturers, retail of imported raw materials processing center payment system, spending materials and components, software, media, and plastic cards, terminals, bankamatlar the kiosks and other equipment for the production of effective and targeted use of all those calculations by means of the license and ensure the implementation of absolutely them in the future may be the localization of production.

In the republic of uzbekistan, as well as non-cash payment of the regulations on the civil code of the republic of uzbekistan, “on the central bank of the republic of uzbekistan”, “on banks and banking activity”on and on “on payments and payment systems”, the law of the republic of uzbekistan in accordance with legal and physical persons in the payment documents using non-cash settlements for the implementation of the procedure prescribed. Today’s day in retail banking services most ko‘p used in the type of one of these plastic card services. Plastic card to my bank and to the population o‘z advantages there are. Also, today’s the day the internet and electronic systems through various products and services for the‘lov of out increase increasingly improving has been. Plastic cards and mobile communication from extensive use of the area of the development for the ground has created. In particular, consumer credit, money jo‘natmalari, deposit operations , such as in the areas of information and communication technologies, the use of the initial stage is. Plastic card services to further expansion abroad experience o‘to rga too is important. Plastic card services to the toe,‘citizens of foreign experience , regardless of the remove that we have. Australian banking andfinance system in the ‘tolov type, from twenty years more time for being used. O‘after moving the years over this in regard to the great experience gained. The industry with innovative g‘oya the introduction was. Today’s the day come, in the circulation of plastic cards , the number of 1 – person to 6 than to‘g’ri that is coming also it proves. Into the circulation issued plastic cards to work capable of the population at any one of 6 than to‘g’ri comes. Credit card specified limits within use, plastic card through they come borrowing to the customer convenient time for back. In australia, mainly international “Visa”, ”MasterCard” and “american express” bank credit cards use. ‘Songgi years of cash money the demand decrease and in cash are paid settlements of expansion as a result of the country’s trade and services show points installed payment terminals , the number of significant at a level that is increased has been. Our country, as well as plastic cards through payment system development as a result of cash money to toe‘present demand of the year as reduced has been. In particular, 2018-2019-the year in relation to the following day , the population among the bank plastikkartalari through operations and sales grated works out oishirish works ko‘payib has been.

Conclusion. Bank card of the circulation of the development, scoring credit system current with the options, “internet-banking”, “mobilebanking”, “SMS-banking” like services gradually slowly with advancing the go, money o‘tkazmalari, electronic payment such as services to improve push republic retail banking services development prospects determines.


Lapasova Marg’uba Zokir daughter 30 2004-march in the month of Dzhizak region Sharof Rashidov district, he was born I find. 31-general secondary education school excellent for the price I graduated. 2022-the yearthe same year at school and graduated from the university of uzbekistan National university Dzhizak fel “Applied mathematics” department “Computer science and programming – technology” to the direction of the grand on the basis of talabalikka recommended was. Now up a few scientific and publististik articles in international journals published have been. DENMARK international scientific-practical conference “THEORETICAL foundation of practical, scientific progress IN modern society” in the book the first articlexi  edition out and sersifikat also provided are. Currently Argentina “JUNTOS POR las letras” International writers association, the organization is a member of is. Currently, the “Keniya Times” newspaper was published in newspaper article the ball to me. “The science center researchers” scientific center of the press and “trained teachers” organized by the channel, “student of the year” contest on sersifikat provided. Currently two out of my book antaalogida edition. The “first step” with the book called “the stars of the blue sky” that I have to publish the book. Now I’ve been awarded for many achievements.



Useful literature:

1.“Economy and innovative technology,” scientific electronic journal. №1, January-February, 2014-year

2.Uzbekistan Republic President O‘the republic of uzbekistan Respublikasiniyanada development on action strategy on the resolution 2017-2021-years

3.Bekchanov, M., Abdurakhmanov R. Plastic card-of-the-art account-kitobvositasi. // The market, Money and Credit. №9. 2012.B.14

  1. Abduvaxidov F. Commercial banks accounting account./ Training guide. –T.: “economy and finance”, 2012-y.



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