By MKT Reporter
Members of Baringo County Assembly have decried the exorbitant ambulance charges being paid by patients referred to hospitals in other counties.
Baringo County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Health Dr Solomon Sirma said patients are charged Sh 10,000 for an ambulance trip from Baringo County Referral Hospital in Kabarnet town to Iten in Elgeyo Marakwet county which is about 60 kilometers, with Sh 1, 000 paid to the repatriation nurse and Sh 1, 000 for the driver while the remaining Sh 8, 000 fuels the ambulance.
The CEC added that those seeking self-referrals are directed to a nearby petrol station to fuel the ambulance at a cost of Sh 12, 000, which elicited mixed reactions amongst members of county assembly (MCAs).
Dr. Solomon Sirma was accompanied by two chief officers Dr. Winnie Bore (Medical Services), Evans Rutto (Public Health) and other top officers was responding to statements directed to the Department in a session which was presided over by House Speaker Vincent Kemboi.
The House Speaker directed the County Health Committee to sit with officers from the department and come up with a standardized cost of ambulance services in the county which will be affordable to the people.
He said that he will be expecting a response on how far the review has reached within the next one month.
Chair Committee for Health Josphat Lokorio said the meeting was crucial since the department has always responded unsatisfactorily during previous engagements with the Assembly.
Nominated MCA Julia Kumbelel said the County Referral Hospital has been attracting numerous complaints over poor service delivery from members of the public.
Kumbelel noted that the hospital was lacking crucial services like CT scan and specialized personnel, thus necessitating massive referrals to neighbouring counties.
Bartabwa MCA David Sitoi who put to task the CEC said that the Ambulance driver and the nurse are employees of the County and should not receive further payments from struggling patients.
He added that the fees the hospital was charging for its ambulance services are exorbitant since the charge was triple that of a normal journey. “Why are we doing business with our people who are sick or are we punishing them because they have requested for referrals?” wondered Sitoi.
His sentiments were echoed by MCA’s Ernest Kibet (Kabarnet) and Wesley Lekakimon (Ilchamus) who wondered how the department arrived at the various charges.
Kapropita MCA Alex Kurui and his Maji Mazuri counterpart Solomon Kuria pointed out another teething problem at the county referral hospital which they noted was the contributing factor to the many referrals.
Kurui told the Assembly that the newly commissioned CT scan machine was not running and patients are being advised to seek for specialized treatment elsewhere.
Kuria said that people from the County have been asking about the CT scan machine hence the department had all the time to prepare and plan.
The CEC in his response acknowledged that there is a hitch with the CT scan machine due to power fluctuations at the Level 5 hospital which can be sorted by procurement of a three phase transformer that could be installed within a month.
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