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- Eng. Margaret Ogai Championing Engineering Excellence And Public Safety
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- Ushiriki Wema Embarks On An Initiative To Support Communities Access Clean And Sustainable Water Supplies
- Thirsty Murang’a Residents Call For Urgent Solution To Water Wars Pitting Firm, Locals
- The Politics Of Raila’s AU Defeat And Ruto’s Role In His Downfall
- Right Decisions Gives You The Ability To Carry The Anointing. The Anointing Is Encased In Character Pt 2
Author: Ev. Eric Musa
Samson said (Book of Judges ) “My flesh wants that flesh. My soul feels good whenever she tells me how pretty my hair is.” “Well Samson that’s because s... Read more.
When you get around the anointing. People say, “Well the anointing is caught not taught.” Nope it’s caught and taught. Because you can catch it but you st... Read more.
You have people everywhere you go, asking: “What am I? Can you tell me what I am?” And I think, “Well if it is based upon what I see. You’re nothing.”... Read more.
You don’t see the world beating a path to their door of the men that God has used greatly. For the most part people run from them. Take example of reno... Read more.
So there are only two things that will ever nullify the Word of God. One is traditions of man and the other is unbelief. Now unbelief nullifies the Word of God ... Read more.
Christ Jesus made a statement. “…you make the Word of God of none effect by your traditions.” So anytime you are seeing results that differ from the Bible... Read more.
Most people want to wait until they “feel” anointed before they try to minister to someone. Some have even been taught that they MUST wait until the... Read more.
Prophet Isaiah existed 700 years before Christ Jesus was born. The tests done on the scrolls of the book of Isaiah have incontrovertible (not able to be denied ... Read more.
We continue with our Powerful fervent prayer points as our previous sermons. Continue believing, continue putting in the work in prayers, let these proclamation... Read more.
It is end of October 2024, and as the year nears its end we continue believing and proclaiming what we even prayed for at the beginning of the year, knowing God... Read more.