By: Saul Kalivubha

Worth Noting:

  • Money discipline is to respect your income first and second is to respect the proper use within your income balance if you planned to buy something for a worthy costing less than your income balance it will be right according to your income then do so but if it costs more than your income balance know that you are spending money that could be used on the coming day.
  • Be prepared for the day to run out of money otherwise if it is an emergency then spend it but if it is not an emergency just control yourself against spending money  that is above your economy balance, the challenge of money is that if you spend in buying things that cost less money you  see as normal but at the end of the day when you calculate how much it cost you since the first day you find a big total of money spent so discipline yourself  to respect your  income at any time you have it

Spending money is still a challenge for many people and as a result they often find themselves in dire financial straits and this is not just for those who are employed even those who are self-employed still find themselves in a difficult period of lacking money and not because it was not there but was used without regard to proper use. If you take the time to reflect on it, you will find that when you make money your spending increases and decreases as money decreases that situation in simple language can be explained as your spending discipline increases as you run out of money.

Money is an emotional force where if you do not control it  will control you by giving you a lot of decisions and then you will lose stability a situation that will cause you to lose spending discipline that is why when you earn a salary you may find yourself making purchases without looking at the cost because you know money is there  for example, the first time you were paid five thousand shillings after spending and realizing that you have remained with one thousand shillings in the pocket and when it reached your pocket  automatically you will start to calculate that left money  if it will take you to another month, why didn’t you think that at the time you had that five thousand shillings?

Money discipline is to respect your income first and second is to respect the proper use within your income balance if you planned to buy something for a worthy costing less  than your income balance  it will be right according to your income then do so but if it costs more than your income balance  know that you are spending  money that could be used on the coming day so be prepared for the day to run out of money otherwise if it is an emergency then spend it but if it is not an emergency just control yourself against spending money  that is above your economy balance, the challenge of money is that if you spend in buying things that cost less money you  see as normal but at the end of the day when you calculate how much it cost you since the first day you find a big total of money spent so discipline yourself  to respect your  income at any time you have it

Self-discipline in spending money is built on the main goal you have for tomorrow then you will be spending money remembering tomorrow so you will be reminded every time before spending, if you choose to loose discipline at the same time choose to accept losing the main goal of tomorrow , another good way  to save money is to divide your money per day you will find out how many shillings you earn each day and then check your daily expenses to match your daily income and then you adjust your spending and respect your money.

If today you get a lot of money your mind will become blind to the fact that you will never run out of lacking money and that is the beginning of a wastage  of money without a  discipline so a great power you need to have in the mind  is to control the feeling of money over you. Knowing what you want is also one of the best ways to build money discipline because you will protect yourself against spending that is not fundamental to you and is not within your budget for your income, not knowing what you want will lead you to misuse because whatever you find interesting you will need to buy it.

Scientist Saul Kalivubha



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